About Us

Meet the Founders

Andy’s Angels with founded by Kayla Shepherd and her daughter Millie

Millie’s dad Andy died suddenly on the 28th September 2017 and during their grief journey Andy’s wife Kayla and daughter Millie have found ways to support their own grief and each other’s, through counselling and art therapy.

When Millie was 10 years old her grief changed and it was then that she had so many unanswered questions about what happened to her dad, while Kayla answered many of Millie’s questions she also reached out to established charities for support for Millie, waiting lists were long and was nowhere to take Millie to be around other children that she could talk about how she was feeling.

Kayla - with sunflowers

How Kayla founded Andy’s Angels

In February 2020 I had an idea to use my lived grief experience to help others, so one day I was reflecting on my daughters grief journey, looking for ways to help and support her and other children when I had a light bulb moment which involved thinking about the MASSIVE impact, losing a loved one had on many children all over the world. These children needed a safe space to come to be together!

Very soon after my initial light bulb moment Covid-19 hit and we were all immersed in a new world of uncertainty. Managing home schooling, a training business and a whole household of family that this virus would affect too was a challenge but the idea of helping children that were grieving grew and the name Andy’s Angels struck an emotional chord

Fast forward to Feb 2021, still navigating my family’s boat through the Coronavirus storm, one day I started playing around with a logo website to see what type of logo could be possible for a charity, 1 hour later Andy’s Angels logo and ‘Wherever you will go’ tag line was born.

Having a logo made it all so real, I then just ran with all my ideas that I had been keeping in my head over the Covid period.

The purpose of Andy’s Angels is to provide a Grief Play Café, a safe space for children and their families to come to while they are navigating their way through their own grief journey. As grief has no time limit neither does our Grief Play Café, anyone can access our sessions regardless of how long their loved one has been gone.

So our Grief Play Café sessions first launched on the 26th September 2021 with a session running one Sunday a month.

See Our Cafe dates

Then in January 2024 we launched our Intergenerational Bereavement Choir.

See Our Choir

Grief Play Cafe

All our sessions are supported by lived grief experience volunteers, so if you feel like talking, all our volunteers will be more than willing to listen and signpost to local support and guidance.

If you would like to find out more about volunteering please email volunteer@andysangels.org.uk or click link below.

Over the last three years we have been building relationships with as many other local organisations as we can so that we can signpost to other support services.

Our vision is to also link our charity with a selection of local businesses that would might be a supportive resource/service to anyone grieving, which means all the other day to day pressures can be less stressful for those grieving.

In August 2023 we endorsed ‘Understanding and Supporting Grief and Bereavement’ training, collaborating with Dandelion Training and Development, this training is part of our offer to all new Volunteers.

See our Events at the Grief Play Cafe

Wherever you will go, Andy’s Angels will travel the grief journey with you.


Andy’s Angels submitted an application form to the Charity commission on Monday 29th March 2021 and on the 22nd April 2021 Kayla and her Trustees launched Andy’s Angels as a Community Organisation, while waiting for their charity status.

On the 7th June 2021 the Charity Commission issued Andy’s Angels their Charity status and registered charity number.

We are member of Worthing & Adur Chamber of Commerce & Community Works
Worthing & Adur Chamber of Commerce
Community Works